

发布时间: 2024-05-16 14:57:14北京青年报社官方账号





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As for the South China Sea, Shanahan accused China of undermining freedom of navigation and overflight in the region, and militarizing the local islands.


As a writer, he had two books published - one on the group-buying platform Meituan in 2014 and the other on e-commerce operator JD.com in 2015. The JD.com Story was a best-seller among business books in 2015, with 400,000 copies sold.


As Shanghai strives to build itself into a global innovation center of science and technology-a task proposed in its master plan for 2035-the city's skyrocketing property market, however, has become a deterrent to talent.


As crossover branding is now a hot term for many sectors across the world, Qiaodan Sports Co, the Chinese sportswear and footwear manufacturer, will integrate innovative designs and Chinese cultural elements into its products and partner with more international events to raise its popularity among consumers.


